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Addiction Department

Stages of Addiction Treatment 

Before understanding addiction treatment and the necessary steps, we first need to take a look at addiction itself. 


Addiction is a disease characterized by loss of control over drinking or abusing drugs (in a consistent or periodic way) as well as being preoccupied with drugs and alcohol constantly, continuing to abuse drugs or alcohol despite adverse consequences. It is also characterized by disorganized thinking and constant denial. 


Stages of Becoming a Drug Addict

When a stable person begins using drugs, they go through four stages until they reach the peak, which are: 

  1. Experimenting with drugs.

  2. Dependency on drugs.

  3. Becoming addicted to drugs.

  4. Loss of control.


Before beginning the stages of addiction treatment, one must be sure that they have the true willingness to be without drugs, so that they are able to recover completely, whether that be personally or through a specialized team. 


Five Steps to Treat Addiction 

The most effective way to treat addiction is through these five steps: 

  1. Diagnosing the case.

  2. Dealing with withdrawal symptoms.

  3. Psychological and behavioural rehabilitation.

  4. Working on individual and group therapy.

  5. Working on relapse prevention and ensuring continuity.  

Download the booklet: Types of Drugs and Medication

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